Network Marketing Lies

I talked to a lady recently who was thinking about getting started in network marketing online, and maybe Nikken. She came to me looking for some answers because everyone else was telling her that making money online is hard, she had to buy all of these programs to make it work, and that Nikken didn’t allow online marketing anyway. She was getting overwhelmed and scared off because it was going to cost her several hundred dollars just to get started, if it would even be allowed.
These are all lies.
I told her that it was all crap. She was talking to affiliate marketers looking to make a commission by selling her their programs. Don’t get me wrong, there are valuable programs out there that will help her eventually. But they are not necessary to get started and can pose a roadblock to anyone who doesn’t have the money for it.

For example, I am building my Nikken business through blogging. I have a hosting account through HostMonster. It is a very valuable tool for my business and I encourage everyone who joins my team to consider using this service. I make an affiliate commission if they do decide to use it but I never tell anyone that they can’t build their Nikken business without them. It is just a tool that I use. There are many others that are probably just as good.
If someone is active on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter and have the necessary connecting skills then I think they could be very successful with those free sites and not have to pay a penny for these other services. Or they can decide to add them in as they can afford them.

Nikken doesn’t allow online marketing – not true.

I think I have been online with my Nikken business for 4 years now. I sell the products online and I recruit new people into my team from online. Any offline business activity that I have comes about because I am online. Nikken has no issues with what I’m doing online. If they did, they would let me know in the form of a certified letter from their compliance department.
Nikken does have rules about what you can say online. Most of those rules are to protect us and the company from getting in trouble with the FDA and FTC. The products we sell as Nikken distributors affect the health and wellness of the people who use them. The FDA has rules regarding what we can and cannot say about our products because we are not allowed to make medical claims.
Nikken is a network marketing company and some people are inclined to make wild claims about how much money can be made, so the FTC has rules regarding that too. We are also required to clearly state that we are independent distributors and that we make money if anyone buys through our links online.
Back to the lady that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. I think the other people she talked to convinced her that this is too hard and that she doesn’t have enough money to build an online network marketing business. That’s too bad because I think she could have done very well.
Wayne Woodworth
PS. If you want to start making money online or are thinking about getting into network marketing and don’t want to be told that you have to spend a fortune to be successful, then let’s talk. Call me at the number above, leave me a comment below, or just join my Nikken team now and let’s get started.

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