I am looking for a few people who want to make money online by selling real products to real customers. You find customers, they buy, you get a commission. It’s basically affiliate marketing but there is a slight difference.
I have been doing this for about 15 years very part-time to make some extra money, and it works. It’s been “very part-time” because my primary activity has been as a stay-at-home Dad for my 2 kids, along with homeschooling and all of that. That takes a lot of time, so anything else I do (like making money online) has to be able to fit into the spaces in that schedule.
What I Needed to Fit My Schedule
When I started this I wasn’t really looking for something. I had a great job that I wanted to quit so that I could spend more time with my family, especially my kids. Dads miss out on way too much of their kids growing up. Actually, it’s become the same way for Moms too. When I was a kid my Mom stayed home and my Dad worked. That’s how it used to be. Now both parents work and complete strangers raise the kids in a day care center.

That’s not good enough for me. I didn’t want to be a stranger to my kids.
If I was going to quit my job to spend more time with my family, whatever I found had to meet a few requirements.
- I had to be able to reliably earn money from home.
- The work I did had to be able to fit around my priorities – my family.
- It couldn’t require me to somewhere other than home.
- No serious headaches, like inventory, order fulfillment, or payment processing.
- I needed to be able to get it up and running while I still had my job.
This does.
These kinds of things always sound scammy when you read it on a webpage like this. Many of them are. But this isn’t, I assure you. For one, I’ll try to lay out everything I do on this website. Then you can ask me any additional questions you have either in a comment below or at the email address in the top right corner of this page.
So, the best place to start learning about what I do, and what I propose you might be interested in doing too, is here: better than affiliate marketing.