I was just listening to Bob Doyle interview Marci Shimoff as part of the launch of Bob’s new book – Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power. This post isn’t about his book or really even about the interview, but I want to talk about one of the things that Bob said.
I’m trying to get those people who are settling in their lives professionally or otherwise, to see what potential, what can happen as a result of saying “you know what, I’m not going to do this anymore, I’m going to do, I don’t know how it’s going to work, I don’t know exactly the first step to take, but … I am committing to following my passion.
This is really what I am trying to do too. I’m looking for the people who feel trapped in a job they don’t like, who would rather be able to spend more time at home or somewhere other than stuck in a cubicle, who have a passion for wellness and sharing that passion with others.
Yes, this is a network marketing business and I will be honest with you. “Selling” and “network marketing” as such are not my passions. Taking care of my family and offering potential alternatives to what the mainstream offers are my passions though and it just happens that a network marketing company makes it possible for me to do this easily.
The second part to this whole “passion” thing that Bob Doyle talks about is to get up the nerve to actually do something about it. That’s the hard part for most people. If your passion is similar to mine, then Nikken makes this really easy. For many people to follow their passion they have to make hard choices, like quitting a job or moving across the country. To follow your passion for wellness and taking better care of your family you don’t have to quit your job or move anywhere. If you can squeeze out a few hours a week then you can do exactly what I have done from the comfort of your own home.
No risk, no drastic lifestyle changes. All you need is a passion and the courage to take that first small step. I will help you from there.
You will find out more about how you can join me by filling in your first name and email address below. I look forward to talking to you.
Wayne Woodworth
PS. If you would like to hear that interview I mentioned above, Bob Doyle is doing a series of them leading up to his book launch on July 12. They are all free (7 of them released so far with more to come). Just go here to sign up for them.