How to Move Up the Nikken Ranks

You have joined Nikken, talked with your sponsor, begun looking over the product and know which items you are going to start telling people about. If that isn’t the case then go back and read the first and second posts in this series.
Your next question is either about how to make money with Nikken or how to move up in rank so that you can make more money. I’ll handle the second question here, how to move up the ranks in Nikken, then talk about the money next time.
Nikken Rank StructureYou have just recently signed up with Nikken and your current rank is Direct Consultant. Score is kept in Nikken by accumulating PV or personal volume. Each item in the catalog has a PV value usually equal to the US wholesale price. For each item you purchase for yourself or sell to a customer, you get that item’s PV added to your total.

When you start adding people to your team, their PV is added to yours and recorded as your PGV or personal group volume. If you are your whole team (no downline yet) then your PV and PGV are equal. When you start to build a downline, hopefully your PGV will be bigger than your PV.
You first step up in rank is to a Senior Consultant. To do that you will need to earn 500 PV (from products bought by you or sold to your customers) and 1500 PGV (you and your team) in one calendar month. You don’t have to get the 500 PV and the 1500 PGV in the same calendar month but if you do, then the 500 PV counts toward the 1500 PGV.
The next step is to reach Executive Consultant and that is done with 5000 PGV. There aren’t anymore individual PV requirements, just group volume. The third step up is to Bronze Consultant at 10,000 PGV in a calendar month.
Now things begin to change. Your next step up from Bronze is to Silver. Silver is very special because it is the first “leadership” rank. Here your focus begins to shift from building volume to building a team. To reach Silver you need to accumulate 20,000 PGV over 3 consecutive calendar months. That’s right, 3 months instead of 1. You also need to have 3 Seniors on your team and you have to be registered to attend Humans Being More training if you haven’t already been.
Here is how I finally reached Silver last October. I signed up, bought my way to Executive, and took Humans Being More back in 2006. I didn’t do much with the business for the next few years. I had 3 Seniors on my team by last June and all that was left was to get the 20,000 PGV. Last August Nikken changed the rule from 20,000 PGV in one calendar month to 20,000 PGV in three calendar months, the current requirement. I earned 5037.71 PGV in August, 5600.92 PGV in September, and 10,523.18 PGV in October. I actually reached Silver before I hit Bronze. Under the current rules, you can actually skip Bronze and go straight from Executive to Silver.
As a Silver, you don’t need to worry about volume anymore to move up in rank. It is all about building your team. You move from Silver to Gold by helping 3 front-line people on your team reach Silver themselves.
A Gold Consultant moves up to Platinum by either helping 3 front-line people reach Gold or 6 front-line people reach Silver.
A Platinum moves up to Diamond by either helping 3 front-line people reach Platinum or 6 front-line people reach Gold.
A Diamond moves up to Royal Diamond by either helping 3 front-line people reach Diamond or 6 front-line people reach Platinum.
As I already said, at the time I am writing this, I am Silver. I can only move up in rank by helping at least three people in my front-line, people I personally signed up, reach Silver themselves. If  you are already on my team and are ready to play this game and go Silver then call me, email me, or let me know in a comment below.
If you are not on my team yet and want to make the commitment to go Silver with my help, then it is time to sign up now.
Let’s do this.
Wayne Woodworth

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