I want to start off this issue of the newsletter with a link to an article in Business Review USA. They have a good story about Nikken in their March 2012 issue.
Our Nikken Teammates
I want to welcome two new teammates in March. Russell in Lincolnshire, IL came on first to save some money on the nutritionals with a wholesale autoship and will keep the business opportunity as an option for down the road.
John, a massage therapist in Houston, TX was a Nikken consultant several years ago and decided to rejoin to make the products available to his clients. I’m a massage therapist myself and I think the products complement massage perfectly.
I learned one thing this month about the PWP website. When Nikken launched the new websites back in January they decided to give all new consultants the PWP site (www.nikken.com/<your consultant id>) free for the first 30 days.
It will cost $14.95 to continue with the PWP website. If you decide to continue using it, call Nikken at 1-800-669-8859 x4 to renew it. Trying to do it online through the MyNikken website may actually create a second PWP account for you and mess things up.
What’s New With Nikken
Nikken continues to go through the process of cleaning the product line to bring all of the patents for their products in-house. Last month they discontinued the Kenko Mini and Super Mini and they have now mostly sold out. The Super Mini is still available in the US in the 3-pack. The Kenko Mini is only available in Canada.
This month the Air Wellness Power 5 Pro was discontinued and replaced with KenkoAir Purifier. From what I have seen so far, the KenkoAir Purifier is a much better device and a lot less expensive. It looks like a real winner.
Autoship Changes
Nikken has made some changes to which products are available on autoship that may point to some upcoming product changes. First, for Russell’s benefit, the nutritional supplements are all still available on autoship. No changes there.
Nikken removed the magnetic insoles (Magsteps and Magstrides), the Kenko Flex, and the Magboy from the autoship list. I know that the insoles and the Flex fall under the same patents as the Elastomag wraps that were discontinued last Fall, and the Kenko Mini that was discontinued last month. Nikken said that there are new items coming within the next six months, so I am hoping that this all means that the insoles and the Flex will replaced with new versions, patented by Nikken directly, available within the next six months.
I think the Magboy came off the autoship because they are going to a different manufacturer. I believe the current Magboy is made in the US (the label is worn off mine so I cannot say for sure). The limited-edition gold Magboy is made in Japan.
I have to repeat, this is all speculation on my part.
Business Kit Change
Effective April 1, 2012 Nikken increased the fee to become a distributor and made a change to the business kit. The fee to sign up is now $60. I think that brings it back to about what I paid to join six years ago. It has been up to $75 and down to $35 and now it is back in the middle again.
The sleeve of PowerPatch magnets has been removed from the business kit and replaced with a voucher good for one year for Nikken’s new Bronze Training. I liked the PowerPatches being in there because they gave new distributors a product that they could use immediately to build their own belief in the magnets and/or share with other people to build their interest.
The Bronze Training will be a good addition to the business kit as long as Nikken can make the training available in a variety to locations throughout the US and Canada. I think they need to make it convenient for the new consultants to get to. More than the training itself, I think the real benefit of Bronze Training will be the opportunity to network with other new distributors and the more experienced distributors who will undoubtedly be there too.
Our upline Royal Diamond, Sheri Clarke, was quick to get a Bronze Training class scheduled here in Atlanta for April, 14 once the change was announced.
A Little Bit of Training
I wrote some posts in the past month that explains some things that will be helpful for new people getting started with their Nikken business.
You’ve Joined Nikken. What Now?
The Best Nikken Products to Share
How to Move Up the Nikken Ranks
If you are interested in building your Nikken business online like I am, then there is one more post I would like to share about funded proposals. A funded proposal is a great way to make money on the front end to prospect for new customers and prospects, boost profits, and pay for additional online advertising.
Funded Proposals for Building Your MLM Business
That’s it for the newsletter this month. Please take a minute and “like” this post at the top of the page. If you have any questions, comments, or want some help getting your Nikken business going then give me a call.
Wayne Woodworth
PS. If you are not a Nikken distributor yet, go here to join my team.
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