Last time I talked about what I’m doing right now to promote my blog and my Nikken business from a blogging perspective. This time I was to talk about how I’m using…
Social Media
I admit, I am not overly engaged in any of the social media websites. My primary use for them is to syndicate my blog posts to generate traffic back to my websites.
I have been on Facebook the longest of all of the social media websites. There is a handy app called Networked Blogs that I use to pull my recent blog posts to put them on my Facebook wall. I explain how to set it up in the email series.
I have also created a couple Facebook business pages, one for wellness and the products, the other for the Nikken business and network marketing. I don’t know that you necessarily have to split them, I just did because that is how my websites are set up. Networked Blogs handles publishing my blog posts on both my profile wall and on the business pages.
To get this to work on Facebook, you don’t want to appear to be just spamming your stuff. I usually get on Facebook for about 5 minutes or so, 3 or 4 times a day to scan for things to share. Those pictures of quotes work very well. The images attract people and they will stop and like them. This gets people familiar with seeing your face and they will eventually look at the rest of your stuff.
I would appreciate it if you would take a minute to follow me.
Follow me on Facebook
I do pretty much the same thing with Twitter that I do with Facebook. First, all of my new blog posts get automatically published there. For Twitter I use a WordPress plugin called Twitter Tools by Crowd Favorite. The setup for Twitter Tools is a bit involved with its integration into Twitter and I explain it all in my email series.
As with Facebook, you don’t want to appear to be spamming your stuff on Twitter, so you need to mix in other content. I do that by re-tweeting other people’s stuff.
Once every morning I will log into my Twitter account and follow back some of the people who have followed me. I usually follow back most people, but not everyone. Two or three times a day I will use TweetDeck to look at what other people are tweeting and re-tweet some of them, mostly good quotes that I like. TweetDeck is a free desktop application.
Follow me on Twitter
Seesmic Ping
After you have been blogging regularly for a while you will have a bunch of old posts. They probably don’t get very much traffic unless you link to them from your newer posts, which is a good idea.
Sharing this older content out to Facebook and Twitter is a great way to give this older content some new life and generate traffic. When you do go back and look at old posts, don’t be afraid to freshen them up a little bit and definitely make sure any links still work.
Seesmic Ping is a handy tool that allows you to “ping” anything you like online to your followers on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Once you sign up for a free account, you copy the bookmarklet into your bookmark bar and you’re ready to start pinging stuff.
I go to an old post, make any small changes that need to be made, then click the Seesmic button in my bookmark bar. A small windows appears where I can edit the tweet and select the social media services that I want to ping my post to. When I’m satisfied with that, I click the Send button and it is done.
You can do this a handful of times a day if you have enough content to work with. I try to make sure that I share some other stuff between each of my pings so that I don’t look like I’m spamming. Also, you can get away with doing this more often on Twitter than on Facebook or LinkedIn.
I just started using Pinterest about a month ago. Right now you need an invitation to join, so let me know if you need one. I think Pinterest is owned by Facebook and it is integrated with it so that you can log in by logging in to your Facebook account.
Pinterest is a fun social media website where you pin pictures that you find online or upload from your computer. Like Seesmic Ping, you can get a bookmarklet for you bookmark toolbar so that you can easily pin pictures from all over the internet.
Pinterest can be your online vision board if you are into personal development / law of attraction kinds of things.
You can also browse through the pictures pinned by the people you are following on Pinterest.
I am on Pinterest to get traffic back to my blog. When I create a page about a Nikken product, I copy the picture from the PWP site and upload it to my blog. That way, when I pin a product picture to Pinterest, the picture links back to my website. Every time a new follower repins my picture, it is a new link back to my product website.
As with the other social media websites, you don’t want to be seen as a spammer. Pin other things, repin pictures from other people. It’s a lot of fun.
Follow me on Pinterest.
That’s about it for me on the social media websites.
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