How I'm Building My Nikken Business Online Today – Blogging

Network Marketing With a BlogI have written often about how I am using a blog, a few actually, to build my Nikken business online. My opt-in email series explains the nuts and bolts of how I have put my blog together and linked it to Facebook and Twitter. You can sign up for that email series at the bottom of this article.
What I want to talk about here is what I do on a daily basis, or at least nearly daily, to get traffic to my websites.


When setting up my Nikken business online I decided to separate the product offering from the business opportunity.
I started with the Nikken products on I created that website before I knew anything about blogging, so I added a blog to my product site at Almost all of those posts talk about something product related and link to the corresponding product page to drive traffic to those pages and on to the Nikken PWP site to generate orders.
The site you are on now is my business opportunity website and most of the posts here are about the Nikken business and network marketing. I also have another website, where I sometimes blog about network marketing in general.
I usually get at least one blog post written each day for one of the websites. Ideally I like to get two blog posts written and edit one of my product pages. The search engines, especially Google, like fresh content so it is a good idea to give them that.

Free Blogging Sites

I do not recommend the free blogging sites, like or for your primary blog. They are very strict about what you can post on those sites and do not allow affiliate links. You want to have your own site for that and talk more about that in the email series.
The free sites may work well for generating traffic to your main website though, if you have the extra time to write some more posts. You want to be careful using them. Talk about general information that isn’t going to offend the website.
For example, if you are going to use to promote your product website then talk about general wellness topics, like the importance of drinking alkaline water. Don’t mention Nikken or the PiMag Waterfall. At the end of the post tell your reader to click the link to find out more and then link back to your primary website.


Commenting on other people’s blogs is a fantastic way to get traffic back to your website and help to make a name for yourself among the other bloggers.
All bloggers like comments, both receiving comments on their own blogs and writing comments on other people’s blogs.
A comment on your own blog is seen by the search engines as a content change and as activity. That helps your website appear higher in searches. They also act as social proof for your other readers. When a visitor comes to your blog and sees several comments, they automatically trust you more and are more inclined to leave a comment.
Leaving a comment on another person’s blog creates an external link back to your website, increasing your search rank, and helping other bloggers find a way to your website. If you write meaningful comments, people will start to recognize you and want to read what you are writing.
To Be Continued
I just realized that this post is going to get very long if I get into how I use social media, so I’m going to save that for tomorrow.
Check back tomorrow for part 2, how I use social media to generate traffic.

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