Many people find this site when looking for how to become a Nikken distributor and the cost to join Nikken. I will answer that for you here.
The simple answer to how to join and become an independent Nikken distributor is to just go the sign up page and sign up.
Once there, you will see the Nikken Business Success Kit listed at the top of the page for $60. That is required for you to be a Nikken distributor. The kit contains a current catalog, some brochures, and the typical materials about how to build a network marketing business in the traditional way.
The Nikken Business Success Kit also includes a voucher good for one year to attend Nikken’s Bronze Training 3.1, a live training about Nikken’s take on traditional network marketing. This is a good event to attend even if you are going to build your Nikken business online like I have. The event will allow you to make connections with other Nikken distributors.
The rest of the page offers some packs, 3 for product, 1 for sales materials. The packs are a great way to get started with the product, save some money, and boost you toward your first rank advancement (increase in income). These packs are not required to join and will continue to be available after you have signed up.
The cost to become a Nikken distributor is about $60 plus tax and shipping on the business kit. That gets you in at the most basic level so that you can order product at wholesale and sell product to customers. I pay an additional $32.95 a month for some additional capabilities that allow me to sell the product online and have more information available in my Nikken back office to help me run my business.
The sign up page doesn’t have any information about how to build a business or why you should join Nikken, and that is information that you need if you are a serious network marketer. The best way that I can help you there is to send you to a page where you can learn more about working with me here.
I am building my Nikken business online and that is what I will show you how to do. If you can write a document in something like Microsoft Word, then you can build a business online. It is so easy to do now. When you decide to join my team I will show you exactly what I do to generate an online income with Nikken. This can be a true work AT HOME business. Check out to see how I sell product at retail online.
Have a question or comment? Leave me a comment below. Have friends who aren’t afraid to earn some extra money by sharing some quality products? Tell them to come here and enter their first name and email address in the form below.
Wayne Woodworth