There are a lot of options available when you sign up with Nikken, so many people find a walk-through of the sign-up process to be very helpful.
Click here to go to the Nikken sign-up page (opens in a new tab) and I will walk you through it below.
When you click the link above you will land on a page looking like the one above. Scroll down and we will start making your selections for signing up.
Here you must select either the Business Kit by itself or the kit with the demo kit. If you are building your business primarily online then you don’t need the demo kit. The best reason for getting the demo kit is if you have a massage table and want to get a magnetic pad for it. The demo pad in the kit is a good fit.
Choose your kit, select your preferred language, then click Continue.
The next page looks like above and allows you to choose a product pack if you so desire. There is no benefit to ordering one now as opposed to later. The prices listed on this page are the regular wholesale prices that you will pay every time you order as long as you remain a distributor. Skip everything on this page, scroll to the bottom and…
… click Continue.
This next page is the one that matters most. At the top of the page be sure to select your Home Country (US or Canada) marked by the first green arrow in the image above.
Second, be sure that I am listed as your sponsor. The Sponsor ID should be 839275500 and the name is Yonder Willow Wellness Tr as shown in the image above.
Fill in the three sections I have highlighted above: Primary Applicant is you, so enter your SSN twice, first and last name and birth date. You can put your Nikken business into another entity with a different EIN later if you like (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it). For now you have to use your personal SSN. Fill in your billing address and at least a daytime phone number and email address under the Contact Information.
Scroll down a little bit and…
… fill in your Shipping Address. If it is the same as your billing address, take the short cut and just check the box.
Be sure to check the box in the gray area indicating that you accept the Independent Nikken Consultant Agreement.
Click the Continue button to submit the page. You may get an error on this page because Nikken needs more information about where you live. Some zip codes span more than one county, so the page will prompt you to select the county (for sales tax purposes). Sometimes there is only one choice. Select the appropriate one and click Continue again.
On the next page, enter your credit card information in the fields I have highlighted in green above.
The rest of the page is your “cart.” At the top-right you see the business kit for $60 (if you are US). The shipping choices do not matter because the kit is electronic and you will download it later (if you choose to).
The next line that I have marked with a green arrow above allows you to upgrade to myNikken Premier. You want this if you plan to take orders online. Check the box and it will add $24.95 (US) to your order. This amount will be billed monthly.
The next section allows you to add additional product to this order. Skip it all for now because there is no incentive for ordering anything here.
Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page (marked above with the last green arrow).
The next page that you now see is your order summary page. Make sure everything is correct (name, credit card info, billing address, order totals) then submit your order.
Once you do so, you should have a page that lists your new Nikken ID and possibly an order number. Make a note of them. You and I should also be receiving a few emails with your Nikken ID and everything.
Thank you for joining my team and I look forward to working with you toward our mutual success.