I have been an internet marketer building my Nikken business online since…, OK I don’t remember when I started online. I received my first orders online in June 2008, so I probably started a month or two before that. I knew how to make a simple webpage but I didn’t know how to get traffic to it and interfacing with Nikken’s website back then to turn traffic into orders wasn’t exactly easy.
Nikken has come a long way in the past several years and so have I. Nikken’s website has improved significantly so that it’s now easy to transfer visitors to the product pages to turn traffic into orders. I have also learned how to get traffic to my website. It turns out that it’s pretty easy (don’t listen to the so-called gurus who tell you it’s hard).
How well does the Nikken business work online? I was the #5 retailer for 2011. Nikken’s year runs from July 1 to June 30. I surpassed that year’s total volume in 2012 by 39% and was a top 5 retailer again. I took a couple years off and have now moved myself back onto the top 10 retailers list for April and May of 2016.
How to Build a Nikken Business Online
I’m just going to give a quick overview here. For all of the specific details you need to get my e-book.
I have two websites, one for the products and this one that you’re on now for the business. I started with just the products first because selling them is the quickest way to make money.
I bought a web hosting account with HostMonster, installed WordPress, built some pages for the products, linked them to the product pages on Nikken, then started writing blog posts about the products, my experience with them, and related articles that I found online.
I use a blog because the search engines like blogs and will rank them higher than just a regular website. A blog also gives your visitors an opportunity to learn more about the product than they could from just a product description. They can also learn about you, and that is important for a lot of customers, especially the ones who are going to spend more than $100.
That’s all I do. I don’t currently do anything with the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) other than post links to my blog. I have a handful of videos on YouTube to support the blog. I don’t do any pay-per-click advertising on Facebook or Google.
I did try pay-per-click when I first started and I made back about 90% of what I spent. It worked in that it got traffic to my website and generated some orders. It didn’t work in that I spent more than I made. The thing with pay-per-click is that it works best, you get the lowest cost per click, when your website already ranks well with the search engines. If your site already ranks well for free, then why pay?
I am creating a program to walk people through exactly how I created my success with Nikken online. You are welcome to download my free e-book here.
To get my personal help building a Nikken business online, join my team.