What Does Social Media Marketing Do?

What does social media marketing do? What is social media's purpose in online marketing?If you build a home-based business in network marketing, affiliate marketing, or some other form of online marketing, then you spend some of your time on social media. So, what does social media marketing do for you?
There are so many social media platforms available to marketers. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are the ones that I use the most. LinkedIn, Snapchat and Instagram are three more that are very popular. YouTube is great for videos and StumbleUpon is one of many social sharing services. They all have the same purpose as far as social media marketing goes. What does social media marketing do?
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What Network Marketing Is Not

There are many claims about what network marketing is. Sort out the truth with What Network Marketing Is Not.I read some interesting things this morning about network marketing. It said that it is a scam preying on the poor because it has a 99% failure rate. In this post I want to look at some of the claims made about network marketing and talk about what network marketing is not.
There is a lot of hype about network marketing. People make a lot of claims about what it is, from both within and without the industry. I want to look at some of those claims and see what is really true, and what is false.
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Why Network Marketing Doesn't Work

Why network marketing doesn't work. It isn't because of network marketing itself.I’ve been writing  about how network marketing is better than a job. If you talk to very many people outside of network marketing you will probably not find many who agree with me. They say network marketing doesn’t work. So this time I’m going to talk about why network marketing doesn’t work.
Many people join network marketing every year, but very few people make any money. Not only do most people not make money network marketing, they lose money because they spend more than they make. Why is it still around if it doesn’t work?
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Network Marketing Secrets to Success

Three network marketing secrets to success that I have used to build my network marketing business.You started your network marketing business, so now you’re ready to quit your  job, right? Wrong! Don’t quit your job yet. Network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. It will take some time to get your business to the point where you can make enough money. So, to help you along your way, let’s look at some network marketing secrets to success.
Last time we talked about the first step, how to choose the right network marketing company to partner with. This time we will talk about the keys to success.
Can you get rich with network marketing? Of course you can. If one person can do something, then it is possible for anyone to repeat it. A better question is, will you get rich with network marketing? And that’s entirely up to you.
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How to Choose the Best Network Marketing Company

If you are going to do network marketing you need to know how to choose the best network marketing company.Two weeks ago I suggested the idea of network marketing as an alternative to a miserable job. I had been in a miserable job and ultimately network marketing proved to be my exit. I continued that idea last week in a post about why network marketing is better than a job. This week I will help you figure out how to choose the best network marketing company.
Once you decide to do network marketing, your most important decision is choosing the best network marketing business to join. You want to choose the right company for you so that you can get busy building your future.
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Why Network Marketing is Better Than a Job

Want to know why network marketing is better than a job? I quit my last job in 2009 and I have never looked back. I made the choice to work from home and build my network marketing business full-time, or what passes for full-time in my world. This post will show you why network marketing is better than a job.
In my lasts post I talked about how to escape a miserable job. My miserable job was one where I got stuck in a windowless office across from the noisy printers. I was a software developer and they sentenced me to maintain a deplorable piece of software that someone else designed. I would also be the eventual scapegoat for its inevitable failure.
Like I said last time, I needed a way out. I did get one more job after that one, and the new one was an amazing opportunity with a great company, but I had already decided that I was done. I just needed something to tide me over until I had my new business in place. That new business was in network marketing.
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Miserable at Work

Being miserable at work day after day wears heavily on you. There has to something better for smart, motivated people. There is.Miserable at work. That was me several years ago, and for far too long. I was a software developer and I really enjoyed what I did. I still do, just not for anyone else anymore.
The corporate world puts a lot of arbitrary rules in place, I think, to keep people unhappy. One boss told me that I had to move into management because I hit the salary cap as a developer. They hired me to write code. I liked coding. Why would I stop doing that so that I could watch other people do it?
I had one big challenge working with other software developers too. They like to make things harder, more complex, than they need to be. I think it’s the same in any profession. Unnecessary complexity makes them feel important or somehow justifies all of the time and money that they spent on their eduction. I usually had to maintain their fragile constructions when they moved on to other projects. That was not fun.
You’re probably not a software developer, but I’m sure you can sympathize with having to clean up other people’s messes in your job. I didn’t enjoy it. You eventually reach a point where you’ve had enough.
I needed a way out.
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What I Like About Network Marketing Online

There are many things that I like about network marketing, especially about network marketing onlineI started my business in network marketing just over 10 years ago. It took me a little while to figure out how to make it work for me, but once I did I really started to enjoy it. In this post I am going to share with you what I like about network marketing, especially about network marketing online.
I didn’t start out online immediately. At first I did what I was told. I made my list of people and talked to them until they would no longer answer the phone when I called. I packed up all my products and took them to events and chatted with all the people looking for free give-aways. None of that worked for me.
Everything changed once I made the decision to go online.
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Switching Network Marketing Companies – Is the Grass Greener?

People switch network marketing companies all the time looking for greener fields. Does it really change anything?I received a phone call yesterday from another distributor in my network marketing company. She was approached by a former distributor who left our company and joined another and she’s thinking about going. Before she did though, she wanted to know what I thought.
She says that she believes very strongly in the products that she currently sells but she isn’t making enough money. She was told that she can build a business in the new company and also keep selling the products from her current company as a hobby.
She asked me about six months ago if I would help her take her business online so that she could make money without being constrained to her local area. So she wanted to know if I would still be willing to help her build her website if she was building this other company as well.
Here’s what I told her.
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Do You Have to be an Expert in Network Marketing?

Some people say you have to be an expert in your products. Some say you don't. Do you have to be a product expert to be successful in network marketing?I read a blog post recently that argued that you don’t have to be an expert in your company’s products to be successful in network marketing. The author believed that you could rely entirely on videos, brochures and third-party materials.
I disagree with relying so much on marketing materials, first- or third-party, because they are usually a lot of hype and don’t answer very many questions.
Your customers are going to have questions that they want answered, but do you have to be a product expert to be successful in network marketing?
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